Thursday, April 3, 2008

so randi rhodes got suspended

randi rhodes spoke at an air america affiliate function over the weekend and let loose some pretty incindiary stuff about geraldine ferraro and hillary clinton. she was on her show monday, off it on tuesday and today comes a press release from the grand poobahs of air america that she has been suspended. my guess it will be a week or two. and then this too shall pass.

only reason i'm writing about this is because the reactions from the randifans, especially on her website's forum ranges from rediculous to hilarious. their general bane of contention is this: air america has NO RIGHT to suspend randi because she was speaking:
a)the truth
b)her opinion
c)not on company time
d)not as a representative of aar

wrong on all four counts. all four points can be debunked with a few facts:
1)reguardless of whether or not she was representing air america radio at the time, the fact is that she is employed by aar and can be seen as representing aar if she is or is not simply because they employ her.
2)she was speaking at an air america affiliate's function. even if it was on her own time, those who may not have known could still think that she represented the views of air america.
3)one can express their views without using the language that she did. even if she felt that way, its not good for a radio personality to use that language when talking about public figures.

although what she said i believe to be true, she shouldn't have said that in the way she did.

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