superdelegates are getting tired of shrill hillary's act. about damn time is all i have to say
speaking of shrill, i jumped in and bought a satellite radio after merger between xm and sirius finally passed the department of justice's smell test. i have been listening to sirius's liberal station sirius left for less than a week and other than thom hartmann and stephanie miller, my gawd these hosts suck. especially this crazy shrill sounding woman lynn samuels who sounds like a combination of gilbert gottfried, randi rhodes (whom i like) and tony kornheiser (who i don't). she has the unfortunate radio slot of running from 1-4 pm, meaning that we get hartmann (who's decent) for an hour live and then this crazy bitch for three. the mornings aren't any better. the morning host bill press hates barack obama essentially for the same reasons joe elliot doesn't like obama- mostly words and no experience.
oh, by the way, samuels hates obama too. wonder what they'll be talking about in august after the democratic convention and obama takes the nomination.
and about the best radio on radio, i'm sure it is, but right now, i can't hear it most of the time. i bought a stiletto 100. it can connect to sirius through the air and by wifi. most of my listening has been at home where i connect through wifi. reception through the air is nearly impossible, even with these uncomfortable antenna headphones that came with it. and there is a ground based repeater tower in town. no reception when there is a reception tower in your city. not good. after seeing the reviews of the next generation stiletto, i may think about going that route as soon as the price comes down a bit more. i paid nearly $180 for it including 1 day shipping, so if i can find a deal online or otherwise that's cheaper than that (including shipping online) i'll go for that and turn around and sell this unit.
the racing season has started. i really don't care. the league fucking sucks, champcar sold out to anton and now is trying this "combined series" shit off as being the end of the war (memo to those who still care, nothing fixed. the product sucks, the management still sucks, the problems are still there, but now magnified), nascar still sucks even with the new "car of tomorrow", i can't catch alms because i work when they are on and f1 runs way too early in the morning.
speaking of shrill, i jumped in and bought a satellite radio after merger between xm and sirius finally passed the department of justice's smell test. i have been listening to sirius's liberal station sirius left for less than a week and other than thom hartmann and stephanie miller, my gawd these hosts suck. especially this crazy shrill sounding woman lynn samuels who sounds like a combination of gilbert gottfried, randi rhodes (whom i like) and tony kornheiser (who i don't). she has the unfortunate radio slot of running from 1-4 pm, meaning that we get hartmann (who's decent) for an hour live and then this crazy bitch for three. the mornings aren't any better. the morning host bill press hates barack obama essentially for the same reasons joe elliot doesn't like obama- mostly words and no experience.
oh, by the way, samuels hates obama too. wonder what they'll be talking about in august after the democratic convention and obama takes the nomination.
and about the best radio on radio, i'm sure it is, but right now, i can't hear it most of the time. i bought a stiletto 100. it can connect to sirius through the air and by wifi. most of my listening has been at home where i connect through wifi. reception through the air is nearly impossible, even with these uncomfortable antenna headphones that came with it. and there is a ground based repeater tower in town. no reception when there is a reception tower in your city. not good. after seeing the reviews of the next generation stiletto, i may think about going that route as soon as the price comes down a bit more. i paid nearly $180 for it including 1 day shipping, so if i can find a deal online or otherwise that's cheaper than that (including shipping online) i'll go for that and turn around and sell this unit.
the racing season has started. i really don't care. the league fucking sucks, champcar sold out to anton and now is trying this "combined series" shit off as being the end of the war (memo to those who still care, nothing fixed. the product sucks, the management still sucks, the problems are still there, but now magnified), nascar still sucks even with the new "car of tomorrow", i can't catch alms because i work when they are on and f1 runs way too early in the morning.
and by the way, this should never, ever be seen on a college campus or anywhere else for that reason.

anti abortionists are about as unamerican as you can get. forcing your millenialist religiofascist anti woman views down the throats of everyone when you don't also protest the poor healthcare system in this country or the war that is going on in the middle east and the piss poor treatment of our veterans from that war hurts your cause significantly. i may change my views on them. but they have to make some changes too. shocking people to your side hurts your cause greatly. these people need to realize that pro-choice is NOT pro-abortion. pro-choice means exactly that- that a person is for the woman to choose whether or not she should have an abortion without any means of guilting the women into proceeding with the pregnancy. when are these people going to adopt these children that the mothers don't want to take care of? don't see too many of them around do you?
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