Tuesday, August 7, 2007

update- resolution (?)

i just got off the phone with a local compusa rep. apparantly (from what i understand) the delay is not their fault, its the bureaucracy of how to repair which is holding things up. because the laptop is under warranty, the people who provide the warranty service wanted to make the requested repairs themselves, or acer requested it. from what this person said, most likely acer. so in reality, this is outside of compusa's perview. now the problem is that the people who has my laptop has to get the correct cds to actually perform the service. plus, they _still_ have no eta of when the repair is going to happen. someone is going to recieve a lot of hell for this, whether it be acer or the warranty service provider.

am i still mad as hell? yes. am i mad at compusa? other than the fact that until now, they had not explained to me one iota of what the hell is actually happening, not as much. however, it shouldn't have taken this long to explain the process and what was going on. they still aren't ranking highly in my book.

i did however get two things accomplished. i told them that i only want to be called when they have an eta and when it actually is back at the store.

i really think that this whole process could have been avoided by me downloading a vista image and reinstalling vista myself instead of playing it safe.

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