Tuesday, July 6, 2010


you know i wonder how many real people actually use the for sale section
of craigslist. i tried selling my old laptop on craigslist a few years
back, and every one of the respondants i got were from outside the
country. despite me saying in my description twice (i tried twice) that i
would only deal with people in the louisville area and all transactions
would be face-to-face only. and then now as i am attempting to buy an
iphone 3gs, under the local louisville craigslist section i see people
trying to sell iphones with area codes that say florida but are actually
located in california. AND THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT AMERICAN. i'm not
bagging on immigrants. i like them more than i like most americans. but
when i called these people, obviously i could tell there were some major
shenanigans going on. there are also images embedded in ads that are
advertising selling the iphone on websites that look like the spam
erectile dysfunction/vicodin/vioxx. the websites look as though they were
made on geocities. $210 for an iphone 3gs? sure i'll take it, as long as
i'm not sending you any money first.

it's too bad there aren't any moderators in the for sale sections of
craigslist, because i'll bet that 3/4 of all the ads reporting to be local
would get axed in a heartbeat. craigslist wants to clean up their image.
they can go a whole lot further by getting rid of all the crap ads in the
for sale section.

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