follow the logic:
right wing idiot doesn't want healthcare for all because she doesn't want to pay for anyone else. i ask if christ doesn't advocate for caring for the sick and healthcare for all isn't the most christian thing they could do. i get back in response:
"He did call for us as christians to take care of those in need, not necessarily those in greed and He expected all of us to make an honest effort to help ourselves, something I would venture to say the majority of those without healthcare 4 years or longer have not done and probably never will, especially if things are continually given to them."
here we pause for a second. can anyone honestly say that those who are going without healthcare for more than a year are doing so by choice? name me one person who is going without healthcare for 4 years or longer because they wanted to. also, about those in greed, is that why you also support health insurance companies raising rates because they want to? and why not force these ceos to give up their salaries. can't say they really deserve them because none of these health insurance companies seem to be looking out for the common people.
but i forgot. it ruins the image of the good upstanding christian who looks out for his brother. my mistake.
"Also it is as you said Christ called the church to take care of those in need, I don t recall anything He said about the government taking from some to give to others under any circumstances,even for socialized healthcare. We are to help each other and give to charity with a cheerful heart, which the majority of christians do in many forms, and that is not easy when charity is forced on us all by the government. Truly depend on the One True and Living GOD and HE will provide all your needs!"
so evil christian wants je-haysus in the government but doesn't want the government to do anything that je-haysus advocated. can someone tell me what fuck these people actually want? they want abortions abolished to save the fetususususes but don't give a shit about the mother or the newborn. they want the 10 commandments posted on every government building, but don't seem to have any problems violating commandments 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10. jesus says give to the poor, but the government can't provide for health coverage, or housing, or any basic need of those in our society in need. "GAWD SAYS TO TAKE CARE OF THE NEEDY BUT I AIN'T GONNA DO IT BECAUSE THE NEEDY ARE LAYZEE AND NO GOOD AND THAYS PROBABLY MUSLIN FUNDAMENTALIST TERAISTS SO SCREW ALL YALL!!!!!!"
you sunday christians (and i'm using that as an epithet. if i could make it any dirtier i would) sicken and disgust me and anyone who calls themselves a moral human being.
when i tell people i'm a better christian than most and i am a professed atheist, well, i mean it. satanism is more moral than these christians.
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