I hate the canard that has spewed forth from she whose brain must have been frozen over from all that wolf hunting from the air. She makes the accusation that because Obama is in bed with Big Oil, he has completely botched the BP oil rig oil volcano. Kinda funny that she would be saying this since she was part of the party with that whole "Drill Baby Drill" thing. And that she has been tied to some pretty big Big Oil company corruption in Alaska. It is true that Obama did get money from BP/ Obama got that money from BP EMPLOYEES, NOT FROM THE CORPORATION. It is likely that there are a bunch of liberal Dems who work for BP. Highly unlikely but probable. They could have donated you realize. Or there were some people who simply thought Obama was more qualified than McCain
The truth of the matter is, that corporate oil and gas companies donated more than 2-1 in favor of the MCCAIN campaign, $2.4 million to $898,000. Same as when corporate Wall Street bank employees donated more for Obama and corporate Wall Street banks donated a lot more for McCain. And since SCOTUS has decided that corporations are now people, I'm not sure how many of you could argue that more money from BP and the financial industry. Thanks Ms Spilly-Spilly!
And those who want government out of your healthcare, please state now you are giving up your Medicare and if you are a veteran you are giving up all veterans benefits. You actions are telling me, "I got mine, SCREW YOU." That goes double for those teabagging racist bastards who are trying to say that this oil disaster is Obama's Katrina moment and wondering when the government is going to fix it. First of all, this oil well was approved during the BUSH administration (not Obama). Second, it was a lack of regulating the safety features that was the primary cause of this accident, regulating done by the government, which was under the control of the BUSH administration which had a notorious record of taking a dump on safety regulations especially if it got in the way of naked profits. A little consistency across the board if you please. But then again, teabaggers and consistency have about as much in common as the designated hitter and an AL pitcher hitting 400 . You know they both exist, but not found in the same place in this universe.
Now as for Rand Paul vs. Jack Conway, I have listened to what both of them have to say, and I have not heard one thing that Paul is going to do for our state. I have not heard one spark of a plan for how Paul will help the people struggling in our state. I have from Jack. Paul for being a strict constitutionalist, has problems with some parts of the constitution that have been settled for years, except for the 2nd and 10th amendments. And besides, who would I trust to understand the Constitution of the United States, a person who attended law school of a prestigious university and was elected Attorney General of one of these United States, or an extremist conservative Libertarian ophthalmologist who is against health reform (except Medicare payments. Huh, funny that).
After Paul has spoken out about how criticizing BP's efforts is un-American, and how in the Massey and Western Kentucky mines that "Sometimes accidents happen", don't be surprised to see a large donation or a metric crapton of ads paid for by Massey and BP in favor of Rand Paul. Because you people who want government out of your life probably don't realize, that government isn't the problem, it's the people running the government that's the problem and the ones who are most likely to be pro multinational businesses and corporations and anti little guy are the Republicans.
You people who want Paul want to see more bridge collapses and more oil rig disasters and more of the banks taking bailout money and giving them out as bonuses and providing majorly substandard equipment, food, water, and shelter to our troops due to lack of regulationsERRRRRRRRRRRbig government, fine. But you all will have those travesties of justice on your hands. Yeah, Republicans are pro-military like Americans need off shore drilling.
The truth of the matter is, that corporate oil and gas companies donated more than 2-1 in favor of the MCCAIN campaign, $2.4 million to $898,000. Same as when corporate Wall Street bank employees donated more for Obama and corporate Wall Street banks donated a lot more for McCain. And since SCOTUS has decided that corporations are now people, I'm not sure how many of you could argue that more money from BP and the financial industry. Thanks Ms Spilly-Spilly!
And those who want government out of your healthcare, please state now you are giving up your Medicare and if you are a veteran you are giving up all veterans benefits. You actions are telling me, "I got mine, SCREW YOU." That goes double for those teabagging racist bastards who are trying to say that this oil disaster is Obama's Katrina moment and wondering when the government is going to fix it. First of all, this oil well was approved during the BUSH administration (not Obama). Second, it was a lack of regulating the safety features that was the primary cause of this accident, regulating done by the government, which was under the control of the BUSH administration which had a notorious record of taking a dump on safety regulations especially if it got in the way of naked profits. A little consistency across the board if you please. But then again, teabaggers and consistency have about as much in common as the designated hitter and an AL pitcher hitting 400 . You know they both exist, but not found in the same place in this universe.
Now as for Rand Paul vs. Jack Conway, I have listened to what both of them have to say, and I have not heard one thing that Paul is going to do for our state. I have not heard one spark of a plan for how Paul will help the people struggling in our state. I have from Jack. Paul for being a strict constitutionalist, has problems with some parts of the constitution that have been settled for years, except for the 2nd and 10th amendments. And besides, who would I trust to understand the Constitution of the United States, a person who attended law school of a prestigious university and was elected Attorney General of one of these United States, or an extremist conservative Libertarian ophthalmologist who is against health reform (except Medicare payments. Huh, funny that).
After Paul has spoken out about how criticizing BP's efforts is un-American, and how in the Massey and Western Kentucky mines that "Sometimes accidents happen", don't be surprised to see a large donation or a metric crapton of ads paid for by Massey and BP in favor of Rand Paul. Because you people who want government out of your life probably don't realize, that government isn't the problem, it's the people running the government that's the problem and the ones who are most likely to be pro multinational businesses and corporations and anti little guy are the Republicans.
You people who want Paul want to see more bridge collapses and more oil rig disasters and more of the banks taking bailout money and giving them out as bonuses and providing majorly substandard equipment, food, water, and shelter to our troops due to lack of regulationsERRRRRRRRRRRbig government, fine. But you all will have those travesties of justice on your hands. Yeah, Republicans are pro-military like Americans need off shore drilling.
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