Saturday, February 27, 2010

jim bunning, you are an embarassment to kentucky and the senate at large

yeah i know it goes without saying but its something that most of the
country didn't really pay much attention to while he was in office. or at
least until last night.

i had just come in from work and turned on countdown and they played the
clip of senile jim bunning (r-batshit crazy) whining about no being able
to see the kentucky game because democratic senators were rightly calling
him out on his one man hold on a bill extending COBRA coverage health
benefits to unemployed people in this country.

first of all, fuck uk (that is all), and you know what jim, fuck you too.
and to the rest of the country, if this doesn't give you a bigger reason
to hate the university of kentucky, i don't know what will.

second, why the hell are you a senator jim? you are there in congress TO
SERVE THE PEOPLE. it doesn't matter if it was the 18-0 steelers vs the
18-0 cowboys in the super bowl. if there is the people's work to be done
in congress it should be done first and the personal stuff done later
after the people's work is finished.

and by the way, if you substitute jim bunning with addison mitchell
mcconnell (r-humana) and university of kentucky with university of
louisville, i would say the same, despite being an alumnus of and die hard
fan of the greatest sports institution in the big east. (and here's my
eww moment, so is chinless mitch.) my outrage is not based on who is a
school of the bastard school 80 miles down the road but that this imbecile
is whining about something as meaningless as a basketball game when people
are dieing from the lack of healthcare infuriates me.

people, you need to wake up. seriously. the republicans don't care about
you. they only care about your votes only because the supreme court has
not yet determined a way for corporations to vote yet. as soon as they
have your vote they then proceed to squat over your head and take a big
smelly runny dump on you, your friends, your loved ones and your fellow
citizens and residents of this country. there has not been in the last 40
years not one positive thing a republican congress or administration has
done for this country since nixon started the environmental protection
agency. not one. but what they have done is fool about more than half of
the voting populace into thinking that democrats hate this country and
want to destroy it. meanwhile the republicans want to shrink government
so that it can be drowned in a bathtub. they are on a pretty good pace to
do just that with several multimillion to billion dollar no bid contracts
being awarded for two wars that is quickly bankrupting the country without
providing the revenue to sustain such ventures or contracts. we know the
republicans couldn't give a shit about any of you unless you are rich,
white, or exist on paper.

the democrats on the other hand, are not much better. they talk a good
game but fail to produce.


while bunning was there with his filibuster on those benefits, the senate
democrats decided to let ol' jimbo filibuster. they were going to let him
do it all night. they were going to keep the chamber in session until
bunning gave up or passed out like jefferson smith. senate majority whip
dick durbin (d-il) was going to offer a motion for unanimous consent to
pass the benefits package without bunning's objections every 30 minutes.
"We're going to keep doing it until we break him." that's what one of his
aides said. bunning was even dropping profanities on the senate floor.
so what did the democrats do?

they let jim go home and sleep on it.

then the next day bunning resumed his one man filibuster. then suggested
the absence of a quorum. then the senate adjourned for the weekend. so
much for unemployed healthcare benefits.

i understand why people don't vote for republicans. i cannot understand
why people vote for these weak kneed spineless jellyfish pussy democrats
for the life of me. do us all a favor. don't donate to the dscc. or the
dccc. or the dnc. donate to the democrats who actually care about you,
not because you are their constituent, but because you happen to be in
this country native born or not.