the democratic primary race is over. someone please let hillary clinton know that she can't win. statistically, it's ovah. but up come people saying that obama is being elitist with comments that when government fails them, the people become bitter and turn to their guns and god. that this gas tax holiday supported by clinton (proposed byt john mccain, the REPUBLICAN) will do you no good is elitist. i hear those same arguements coming from the clinton campaign supporters rather than from the obama supporters. ever since the start of this long arduous primary season, the vibe that i have always gotten from barack obama is that he figures that he won't change the culture in washington by himself. he is asking that those who are with him ask the same of their local representation. when i hear him say "we", i literally think that he actually means "we" as in you, me, the guy down the street, everyday people.
the vibe that i get from the clinton campaign is that its her turn. she has the name association, she has the money, she has had more exposure to what life in the white house is, therefore the people should just usher her into the oval office. when i hear her say "we" i see her meaning the royal "we", meaning me. she really has had to ramp up the rhetoric to get people back to her side since the failure of clinching inevitability on super tuesday and that has really put the clamps on her.
the math is simply not in her favor.
pandering to the people for votes screams of insincerity to me, especially when its not going to do much for people. and clinton has to know that. when you are being outspent 3 to 1 saying anything and everything to garner a few votes that won't change much in the overall picture is not surprising, but to call out obama for making fun of this i think is just sour grapes on clinton supporters' part. clinton is the one who went to a private female school, an ivy league school, lived very well in illinois, but obama is the elitist. perhaps if more outlets would report clinton's background more frequently we can stop with this elitism arguement nonsense. i too would like to hear obama's expanded thoughts on issues that really matter, but because clinton is being selfish and poses to do some real long term damage to the democratic party, obama is essentially hamstrung into campaigning in primary mode than shifting to general election mode.
just so everyone knows, i did not decide to switch to obama until edwards dropped. i was for kucinich and then edwards after dennis dropped out. i also never got on the "hillary must go" bandwagon until it became a statistical impossibility for her to catch him in the remaining primaries. the process needs to <b>END</b> quickly, not be prolonged.
so what if people are disenfranchised because they played no major part in deciding their candidate. how many people were disenfranchised in the republican race this year when john mccain recieved enough delegates to become the presumptive nominee? how many people can<b>NOT</b> vote in the upcoming primaries because their state's primaries are closed (such as me in my state)? <b>how many people were disenfranchised because the people in michigan and florida knew their primaries did not count and did not vote who now because of clinton's ramroding to not represent the people, but to get those state's superdelegates, now have no voice in their primary?</b> clinton claiming disenfranchisement is also pandering, pandering to the poor, uneducated (part of her base) and to black people (obama's base) because of 2000 and 2004. and this also hurts party unity. it will be very hard to get all in the party to unite if it goes to denver, and anything that could be done to speed up the end of this race is a good thing.
i want to give the democrats my vote. people like clinton who are trying to turn the party into republican lite through their tactics and policies do your party more harm than good.
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